I'm making a small end table out of plywood, and I decided to make a template out of MDF and then shape the actual plywood pieces with a router. The photos below show the basic shape of the leg pieces. On a bandsaw, cutting out this template would be a ninety-second job, but I don't have a bandsaw. I have a jigsaw, a hand saw (Western, not Japanese), a router (handheld, not table-mounted), and a handheld orbital sander. So shaping this template has turned into a tedious symphony for jigsaw, hand saw, and sander, requiring constant repositioning of the workpiece, etc. Basically, hand saw on the long straight sections, jig saw for places where I can't use the hand saw, sander for outside corners and tidying up.
All of which leads back to the original question: was there a better way to do this with the tools I have available?