Pretty much just what the title says. I would like to know the different styles of Japanese saws and what each one is designed for. I am aware of Dozuki and Ryoba but I will assume there are others.

  • 1
    If the downvoter would be happy to explain the reasoning I could try and fix the question. This seems fairly straightforward to me as it stands. We are allowed to ask questions like this. Even encouraged.
    – Matt
    Commented May 24, 2015 at 12:28

1 Answer 1


Dōzuki (胴付(鋸)) A type of backsaw. The Japanese means "attached trunk", thus a saw with a stiffening strip attached, i.e., a backsaw.

Ryōba (両刃) Multi-purpose carpentry saw with two cutting edges. The Japanese means "double blade". There is a cross-cutting (yokobiki) blade on one side and a ripping (tatebiki) blade on the other.

Azebiki (あぜ引き) A small ryōba saw used for cutting into the flat surface of a board rather than from the edge. The blade has a convex curve which can begin the cut anywhere on the surface.

Mawashibiki (回し引き) A thin saw used for cutting curves, the Japanese version of a keyhole saw. The name means "turning cut".

The text is copied with pride from Wikipedia/Japanese saw.

  • 1
    @bowlturner nice pick-up on the edit.
    – Ast Pace
    Commented May 25, 2015 at 17:29
  • 1
    You translated all but one of the Japanese terms which got me curious so I looked it up. Apparently あぜ means a ridge or notch, so あぜ引き means ridge-cutting or notch-cutting. Commented Dec 7, 2017 at 10:55

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