I've tried twice to resaw wood and both times experienced bad cupping.
To be clear, the cupping happens immediately. This is NOT a case of moisture causing the wood to cup overnight. I've read up on how to prevent that.
I've also tried the trick of spraying one side in hopes the wood will straighten back a bit but with no success.
My question is twofold. First is, is it likely that this is a result of internal stress being released... meaning that it's unavoidable and my only option is joint and plane. Or is it possible that my technique might be to blame? In the more recent case I tried to resaw a 2x4 on a table saw. I cut 49% of the way on both sides then snapped it off and hand planed the tiny middle section off. In another case I had a wider board that was too big to saw in half with power tools so I used a hand saw to do it manually.