I'm making a set of amateur under-bed "drawers" from scrap. Nothing fancy, just re-using materials from old closet. This is my first project of such scale.
There are intended to be 3 quite large drawers, 130 x 60 x 18cm on the inside. Walls are going to be made from veneered particle board (16mm thick), intended to be held together by 2 or 3 confirmat screws on each side. Bottoms are planned to be made from 3mm thick hardboard.
How do a I make bottom rigid enough in the case of such large drawers?
So far my plan is to:
- add 2 narrow crossbeams on the bottom (something around 60 x 5 cm), effectively splitting large 130 x 60cm area into 3 smaller ones - 40 x 60 cm. Having crossbeams pop up from the bottom by 1cm does not worry me that much.
|----------------------| rear | || || | front | || || | |----------------------| crossbeams
- add grooves along all the sides and crossbeams (using router with 4mm bit) and slide hardboard into them.
| | | _| | |_ grooves on walls where hardboard slides into |_____|
If that plan sounds okay, what distance from the edge does the groove need to be and how deep can it go into 16mm thick particle board?
This is an example of what I want to achieve (construction-wise) and what to avoid (sag and breaking):
(taken from http://www.instructables.com/id/Fixing-Saggy-Drawers/)