Two questions:
1) What Base-Coat do you recommend
2) What Cristal Clear top coat do you recommend
Background: I was at a craft show, and a guy that made wood signs for outdoor patios was there. He had very nice signs. He said he could make a custom sign for me. It's been over three weeks, and a few emails/calls... he has disappeared from the face of the earth... so I am going to tackle the job myself.
I recall he described using Auto paints, then coating with an Automotive Clear Coat... and his signs really "popped!" I mean his geckos’, Bird, they had a great shinny Depth to them.
SO, I want to make a "Campsite Sign." It will be on a wooden post, outside for one or two weeks every few months. So not too much weathering. But, will get moderate rain & Sun.
I intend to:
use a marine grade 2ft x 2ft finished top-grade plywood
bevel the edges for better/even coating
sand all smooth
apply a Base or Sealer coat (U recommend which?)
brush paint with Rustoleum Gloss paints
apply a "Cristal Clear top-coat" that will give a rich/pop look (U recommend which?)
I'd prefer base/primer and Clear top-coat to be buyable local, (Depot, Lowes, etc) but ordering is okay if needed.
I will be using Brushes, as I don't have a sprayer, and don't do this enough to invest in one now.
Any other Tips-n-Hints gladly accepted.
Thanks for your imput.
Paul L.