I wanted to buy two more sets of black pipe clamps for 1" pipe, don't see them available now! Has 3/4" black pipe replaced the older 1" ??
1 Answer
Has 3/4" black pipe replaced the older 1" ?
Remember that the size of pipe (in the US, at least) is determined by it's inside diameter. Nominal 3/4" black iron pipe has an outside diameter of about 1", and will fit in clamp heads meant for 3/4" pipe.
I don't think I've ever seen clamp heads for nominal 1" pipe. That's not to say that they don't exist, but 3/4" and 1/2" have been the two sizes commonly used for pipe clamps in the US for at least 25 years and probably longer.
1" pipe clamp
. There do seem to be a lot more options for 3/4", though.