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2 votes

Maximizing chatoyance in claro walnut

I think this is one of those things you should do some comparative tests with, see the differences with your own eyes on your wood, prepped as you've done it. Without using dyes or other colourants ...
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2 votes

Unable to sharpen cabinet/card scraper

Without seeing or handling a scraper that has gone through a sharpening process and isn't working it is hard to diagnose what's gone wrong, but there are some common problems that you might be ...
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1 vote

To prepare SPF (spruce/pine/fir) tabletop before a finish: should I use scraping, planing, or sanding?

my scraping makes the glassy surface I had from just planing look more dull -- i am losing some sheen. No need to worry about that overly, one of the roles of finish is to add sheen and, depending ...
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