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Questions tagged [wood-identification]

Note that questions asking how to identify a specific piece of wood are expressly considered off-topic on this site because they are *too localized* and difficult to search. However, this tag can used to ask about *general* strategies and resources for identifying a piece of wood.

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4 votes
1 answer

Can anyone identify this variety of plywood?

So, I've been at the craft for decades, and I've been stumped about this ever since I came across this. A few years back, I saw a Facebook Marketplace ad for exotic lumber for sale, and the prices ...
NerdyDeeds's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Identifying the Crown and Root Ends of a Slab of wood

What i have: An almost square slab from the centre of a Neem tree trunk, with dimensions 30" x 29" x 1.5", with it's bark along the width dimension. As the slab is from the centre of ...
Samveen's user avatar
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1 answer

Identify if table is solid wood?

I saw a nice console table at a department store (Marshalls) that’s supposedly 100% acacia wood. How can I make sure this table is actually solid wood?
rbhat's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

oak has vinegar smell, action needed?

As I was planing a board of oak, I noticed an acidic vinegar-y smell emanating from the newly exposed surface and the shavings. I read this might be due to natural acids present in the tree. I didn't ...
ww_init_js's user avatar
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1 answer

The Tools used on this cane?

What were the tools used to achieve what was done here? Namely the stripping off of all the bark that used to be over the white-ish parts. Note that the top portion is smooth and sort of transitions ...
Woodnewb J's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can anyone identify this tree? [duplicate]

I have a tree on my property that looks like it's not doing too well this year, leaves are very scanty, and may have to be cut down. I'd like some help identifying it, so I can determine if it's ...
workerjoe's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Knots on the branch that I want to convert to a hiking stick

While I was walking along a trail in NJ, I came across a fallen branch -- it looked really good and I decided to make a hiking stick out of it. There are 4-5 knots on this as you can see in the photo....
ponderingfish's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Type of wood glue-up used in some Ikea furniture?

Some Ikea furniture, such as the Norden table series, uses a distinctive type of striped wood for the large flat surfaces. These surfaces appear to be many pieces of approximately 1–⅜ &...
DakotaD's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between hardwood and softwood?

I never really thought about it until after reading some of the questions in this forum. What is the difference between hardwood and softwood. To clarify I am not interested in their applications ...
Matt's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

How can I identify a type of wood [duplicate]

I have a piece of wood and I was trying to figure out what the type was for example: Oak, Pine or maybe even the specific species given enough characteristics. What tools or resources could I use to ...
Matt's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Wood identification [closed]

I've been working with some wood that I was given, but I don't know what type of wood it is. It's a light coloured wood similar to pine, but it has a greenish tint in parts of it. It's got small black ...
Markie's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

How do I determine what type of wood a board/plank is made from?

I get wood from many places, including pallets. Often the wood will be of several varieties. By matching color and grain style, I can group similar types of recovered wood planks together. How do I ...
Adam Zuckerman's user avatar