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How soon should I cut up new wood?

I scored some pretty good logs of cherry from some workers across the street from my house who would rather have given it to me than lift it into the back of their truck. I carted it home and have it ...
SomeShinyObject's user avatar
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oak has vinegar smell, action needed?

As I was planing a board of oak, I noticed an acidic vinegar-y smell emanating from the newly exposed surface and the shavings. I read this might be due to natural acids present in the tree. I didn't ...
ww_init_js's user avatar
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Drying Wood Methods

What are the main ways of drying wood whether it be wood you milled into boards or just cut into turning blanks? I have heard of sealing the end grain and then just leaving the piece to dry on it's ...
mvr007's user avatar
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DIY Kiln Dry Walnut Plan

I have a small Kiln used for pottery. I use it to melt aluminum for casting. I was thinking about building an enclosed space (like plastic sheet walls), putting that kiln inside to dry some walnut ...
D_M's user avatar
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