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3 votes
1 answer

Can a 23g nail gun satisfy all of my needs?

I'm looking into buying a nail gun to help when assembling my projects - holding them in place while glue dries or I have the chance to secure with screws; the only issue is that I have no experience ...
physicsboy's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Back nail or face nail. Which is stronger?

Say you have the opportunity to nail a piece of trim in from the back with an 16-18ga finish nail on a barn door (so all wood construction). You were smart about it and made sure it wouldn't bust ...
Alex's user avatar
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1 answer

Is a "bradder" the same thing as a "brad nailer"?

It's a dumb thing for work, I just need to know if "bradder" is short-hand for "brad nailer." "Bradder" is coming from this product at Home Depot: F21P GN-31A (CT) Bradder
Batdaddy's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Framing Nail/Nailer Angles/Types?

I'm somewhat curious about framing nailer angles & framing nails. I see that they come in a variety of angles, and the nails that they fire tend to be different as well. I've also heard that ...
Sarah Szabo's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Toenail or Toescrew a beam to a sill?

This project calls for toenailing the beams to the sills (see diagram). Would a screw work or is a nail better at these locations?
anonymousBuffalo's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Driving a nail into wood that has split and been glued back together

I built a trellis this weekend, but before I could secure it to the fence it got blown over in a storm. Luckily, the only damage was a splinter on one of the horizontal boards. I glued it back in ...
Simon's user avatar
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1 answer

How do you use "v-nails" on picture frames?

I have tried using v-nails when making picture frames, but didn't have much luck. I tried using a hammer, a hammer+punch, and finger pushing. There must be a trick to this. What are the tricks to ...
NipFu's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

Easy options to mount a 2x6 to concrete

I am adding shelves to my basement and I need to mount 2x6 to basement concrete. I asked one of Home Depot folks and he suggested to use Tapcon as the most optimal option. He explained that a ...
Allan Xu's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Pneumatic vs Electric Brad Nail Gun

I do wood projects from time to time around my house. I can see there are many Pneumatic based brad nailers available. I am thinking to avoid buying and adding a compressor to my Garage. I prefer to ...
Allan Xu's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Should I pre-drill before nailing?

I know that pre-drilling before screwing has many advantages but am wondering if pre-drilling is also useful for nailing. Pre-drilling for nailing seems to make sense because nailing also causes wood ...
DSKim's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

securing 3/8" plywood to studs

I am getting ready to put 3/8" plywood up in my shop for the walls. I was going to borrow my dad's pneumatic stapler but I forgot it. What I do have is a 16 gauge nailer that takes nails from 1" to ...
bowlturner's user avatar
  • 16.2k
12 votes
2 answers

What is the technique of turning a nail back on itself called?

I was watching a video demonstrating a technique of putting a nail through two pieces of wood, bending the nail back on itself against a metal plate and hammering it in, so that the end result was ...
Craig Celeste's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

With a pneumatic nailer what is more important the quality of the nailer or the nails?

I needed/wanted a small pneumatic nailer for assembling small wood construction. I purchased an inexpensive nailer and nails at the local discount store, and found the nails often jammed. Within a ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How do I calculate the amount of downward force a nail will support?

I have a project in mind that creates a removable panel ceiling, made of wood, in my finished basement. Part of the current design is fastening boards to the 1950's ceiling/floor joists that the ...
James Jenkins's user avatar