Questions tagged [dado-stack]

A combination set used for milling grooves on the table saw wider than the kerf of a single sawblade.

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2 votes
1 answer

Using a dado stack to cut lap joints, but wood is vibrating a lot and hard to control

I am very new to woodworking and am taking a beginner woodworking class. I've made a few basic projects, and decided to try to make a George Nelson style bench. It seemed like something that would ...
momce's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Why are dado sides not parallel?

I'm trying to cut grooves, 5/8" deep and 1/2" wide (well, actually 15/32 because it's to fit plywood) in finished 2x4 stock (so, some kind of pine). I have a new set of stackable dado blades ...
mustaccio's user avatar
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