So I'm about to order a Grizzly G1028Z2 1-1/2 HP Dust Collector rated at 1300 CFM. I'm unsure if I should get a super Dust Deputy to go with it. Will I lose a lot of my CFM's if I do this?

Also, a side question: does is matter if I buy a super Dust Deputy or a regular Dust Deputy? I already have a normal Dust Deputy, would it work the same if I just have adapters for it?

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    Hi, welcome to SE. I've changed the title and the wording of your Question slightly so that it doesn't come across as overly subjective which is against the guidelines here (see What types of questions should I avoid asking? from the Help section).
    – Graphus
    Commented Aug 25, 2019 at 10:43
  • Well, thank you for fixing my grammar but that didn't really answer my question. Commented Aug 25, 2019 at 23:10
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    @wear_a_respirator626 comments are not for answers. Graphus was showing how to craft a good question so you might attract good answers. The idea is that we all chip in to build a collection of Q&A. When you have time, please take a look at the tour.
    – user5572
    Commented Aug 26, 2019 at 13:47
  • I use a dust deputy on a shopvac for my lathes. I wouldn't attempt to use it between the dust collector and a planer or jointer. Putting a dust deputy ahead of the dust collector is going to reduce the vaccum. Using a cyclone is a good idea since it mean you don't have to mess aound with that bag, but by all means, please get one that's designed to work with dust collectors rather than a shopvacs. Get one designed for 4 inch ducts. Commented Aug 26, 2019 at 17:22

1 Answer 1


As advertised, it seems that the Dust Deputy is designed to extract dust from the air stream before being sucked into the filters of a shop vac while the Grizzly Dust collector is designed to collect most of the dust in the collection bag. Using a dust separator to extract dust may only be desirable to catch larger pieces of wood that could get caught in the collector fan.

I have a 2HP grizzly dust collector using 4" pvc pipe (40'of pipe) with three gates and 10' of flexible 4" hose to make final connections to freestanding equipment. I intercept large bits of wood in a metal trash can with a inexpensive cyclone type top. The system is pretty closed although there is some leakage at the trash can interceptor. If I keep all other gates closed, I get plenty of air flow back to the collector, enough to lift small pieces of wood such as a short pencil (don't ask how I know) up 7' vertically and across the balance of the system. Whether you should get a 1 1/2 HP or a slightly larger unit depends upon your budget and how large (length of pipe and number of ports) the distribution system is. I believe that a 1 1/2 HP unit should be adequate, but if you have the cash then I know that 2HP can work.

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