I'm currently attempting to make a table that folds in order to be easily stowed away. I'm currently looking at either a Self Supporting Sewing Machine Hinge, a Folding Flap Table Hinge, or Adjustable Folding Door Hinge.
In addition to these, I was hoping to have an elbow style hinge that would be on the outside of my rectangular table the spans the joint where the hinge is on both sides of the table. Ideally it locks at 180 degrees, along with the rest of my hinges.
One of my issues is that I am unsure of the weight limits of these hinges as they are unlisted. Is the best way to determine this to buy them install them in some test wood and stack weight on them until they break? Is there a guide somewhere, or some math I can do to calculate this?
Additionally, for future projects, what's a good way to identify a hinge I see in the wild and its limitations? Other than searching online.