When I crosscut a board on a miter saw, if I follow safety rules and let the blade fully stop before raising it after cut is done, it leaves some marks on the corner of the just-cut miter where the blade enters the wood. On the picture below it's top left corner:
These marks appears no matter if I hold the board by hand or use the clamp - no difference.
If I raise the blade immediately without releasing a trigger (i.e. rotating at full speed), which is not safe and should not be done, there is no marks left on the miter.
Can anyone advise how to get rid of that marks? When I try wiggling the saw to the left or to the right, there is no movement I can feel and the blade is tightened just fine.
Just in case that matters, my miter saw is Metabo KGSV 72 Xact SYM, and the blade is CMT 64 teeth for crosscutting with thin kerf (dont remember exact article).