I recently picked up whittling and have watched several videos on how to do it properly. There's one cut, I can't quite recall the name of, where you slant the knife and cut down on two opposing sides and cut out a "v" shape of sorts. I had a couple spots on my piece where this cut would be useful, but when I tried to do it, I couldn't.
I'm wondering, is there a certain way you have to go with the grain? I'm pretty sure I was. Was the wood too hard? Was I too weak to press into the wood? Exactly what happened was I held the wood in my left and right hands and with my right mostly attempted to press into the wood at a curved angle. In all the videos the knife goes down and makes the cut. But it was like tryingt to cut steel with a butter knife.
I understand this is an extradorinaly difficult question to be asking, but I'm honestly curious to know if there's any reason someone could give me as to why I couldn't make the cut? Could there have been a problem with the knife angle? Blade sharpness? Grain? Did I miss something?