I have a UV-finished butcher block countertop that has several dents in it. As I know, it is simple to remove dents on unfinished surface using iron on wet wood, but UV-finish makes it complicated (if even possible), as water wouldn't penetrate into the wood. So, my main question is whether it is possible to remove dents on the UV-finished wooden surface, and how to do that?
As a side question I would ask whether that is reasonable to do. This is a new countertop that I bought at Home Depot. Actually that is a third one, as the other two had dents and even were cracked, so HD replaced them (I have had two replacements already). I could continue this serie of replacements, but the countertops are packed so badly that I'm loosing hope to get the one undamaged. If I would get an idea how to fix the dents by myself, I would prefer to get a discount and make a fix by myself; if it is overly difficult, I would proceed with the replacement.
P.S. In case the details are needed, the wood is saman, the countertop is an island one (6 ft x 39 inches).
Update: here is a link to the HD product: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Hampton-Bay-6-ft-L-x-39-in-D-Finished-Saman-Solid-Wood-Butcher-Block-Island-Countertop-With-Live-Edge-saman-6ft/319222221