First time here. I've decided to make my own floating bed, I've watched a few videos, but one feature I'd like to include is storage, and for that, I've added a sort of a lid in the middle of the big frame.
I've only done a table, so I'm a beginner, and I'd like to check with somebody more skilful if there's something conceptually wrong with my design. For example, I'm doubting if the small frame (the base) is big enough to avoid the bed from flipping if you stand/sit on the border.
I'll upload a bunch of images but let me know if you'd like to see the sketchup file (bear in mind that I'm also a beginner there)
The small frame is 100x140 and the big frame on to is 180x200
They are built mostly with 63x160 wood beams. Like this.
More dimensions