I'm building a workbench with a beech countertop. Originally I was going to finish the countertop with varnish on the bottom and linseed oil on top.
However, I noticed that this workbench is too big to be stored inside, so I will be storing it outside. I'll put a cover over it, but it's still somewhat going to be exposed to the elements.
I know varnish has a much better protection outside, but it's not ideal for a workbench.
What finish would you use?
EDIT: Answering a couple of questions from the comments:
- The rest of the workbench is made from plywood. I've already covered it with three layers of clear varnish
- The bottom of the countertop I'll do with the same clear varnish
- I'm planning on making some foldable extensions to the bench such that I can keep the cover from touching the top. Would that prevent mould?