Material is hard maple, though this happens a little bit with cherry and not at all with walnut.
I've been making plates with my router, and with almost 100% consistency I end up having to spend time heavily sanding these inside edges. I thought maybe it was due to the router bit being blunt, but this happens with freshly (and professionally) sharpened bits as well.
I run the router on the "4" setting (I guess approximately 22,000 rpm) with a 1 1/4 inch bowl cutting bit (1/2 shank on a 2 inch extender, though to anyone who thinks that may be a problem, I get the same issues without the extension on a smaller diameter bit). Material is removed about 1/16-1/8 at a time.
I'm fresh out of creative ideas for dealing with this and am quickly losing my hair here. One of the bigger issues is that due to this tear out, almost every plate is slightly different in diameter, and has sort of a 'wobble' around those areas where I have to sand more to remove the chop - for picky clients, I end up dealing with a lot of rejects.