My daughter has these wooden blocks; they're about 5cm on a side. Two faces are machined(?) with various letters, as shown -- and my question is how this face was made?
- It doesn't look laser-cut, because the lower surface does not look burned or charred;
- It doesn't look CNC machined, because some of the gaps are impressively narrow and would require a ridiculously small machine bit;
- It doesn't look "pressed" because that would probably not work on such fine details, but would just squeeze them all flat;
- But then how was it likely done?
I got them for free 2nd hand, but I know that (for just wooden toy blocks) these were very expensive -- apparently it's some form of name brand, plus the painting is actually very nicely done and the wood itself is a very pleasantly-smelling sort.
Edit: Ooh, my wife explained it to me: They're Tree-D printed!