Following up:
In the US, you can find thin cork sold as non-adhesive and self-adhesive contact paper, shelf liner, and tape. Check craft stores and home improvement stores. Also, you might want to look more carefully for cork-backed rulers; I think you said that you're in India, and a search for "cork ruler" on turns up a number of options.
This is a separate question - but - there is a recommendation that says "The countersink must have only one flute and must be ½" diameter." ... what's up with that - the most commonly available ones on amazon are 5 flute ones
We had a recent question (Why is my countersink bit making hexagonal holes?) about countersinks; the reason Platt wants you to get one with a single flute is to help a beginner avoid problems like the hexagonal holes that result from chatter when used with a handheld drill. He's similarly prescriptive in Make: Electronics where he tells you that your multimeter "must" be digital. He's not expressing a strong opinion; it's just that the book is written with the expectation of a digital meter, and analog meters don't afford the needed resolution. Platt's books are easy to follow, and part of the reason for that is that he sets you up to avoid some of the problems that beginners often run into.